What’s been happening in the church this week?

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Progress report  – 19th August  2022

Progress has been slow over the last couple of weeks while we wait for all the design and procurement changes needed after finding the vault in the vestry to be worked through. However there has been some and the main nave floor is now ready for the underfloor heating pipes, which is why the machinery is now out in the churchyard.  The black insulation material that looks like coke is now covered and the final layer of mesh is being added. The remaining bags of material at the front of the Cornerstone will be used in the vestry and chancel, where vaults still need to be capped.


The road cone on the right in the picture of the inside of the church is not there just for fun.  It marks the edge of the pulpit step.  After the slight damage that took place previously we particularly don’t want any more, as we are now not going to move the pulpit .  When we got the firm (rather than provisional) price for moving the pulpit, it was much higher than expected and we looked again at whether the move was really needed.  It was when we were going to have a new pipe organ.  Now we are instead going to refurbish our existing organ the space needed is much less and we can accommodate both the organ console and the pulpit on the north side of the church.

If we are to have the organ ready for when we open, we need have raised all the funds for its restoration. We have so far raised about £10,000 and had a reserve of £6,000. We need another £32,000.  The refurbished organ is essential if we are to restore choral services at All Saints.  Please consider a gift to the fund – ideally by donating directly to the special organ and music appeal account: sort code 40-47-09, account number 01807773, account name All Saints PCC Appeal Account, with your initial and surname as reference, or by cheque payable to All Saints Appeal Account, or by debit or credit card (after main church services).

Although the building itself is closed, worship continues in The Cornerstone on Sundays (8am, 9.30 and 11.15) and on weekdays (Tuesday and Wednesday at 10 am and Thursday at 9 am) and the bell ringers have access to the tower.

There is still access to almost all the churchyard either through the lychgate in London Road or the double gate in Norreys Avenue. The memorials by The Cornerstone can be accessed from the Cornerstone south hall so long as that is not in use.  The memorials by the vestry door can only be accessed by special arrangement, but this is not impossible: several people have done so already. Please contact the Parish office if you would like to visit one on a special day.

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