What’s been happening in the church this week?

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Progress report  – 20th October  2022

At last! After it was promised for so many weeks the underfloor heating is now being laid and very pretty it is too. Zig zags of pink all over the floor and insulation – that’s the grey where the pipes are very close together and the floor would otherwise overheat. Many of the floor boxes are now in place along with the conduit which will carry the power and communications (WiFi, audio and organ speakers) round the building.

The picture on the left is the view through the north aisle screen space to the door to the clergy vestry. The wood panels in the screen will be replaced and glazed for a smarter entrance to our new utility area.

One of the impressive things about all the work has been how quickly things happen once they start. It has taken less than a week to get the pipes actually laid.  Admittedly the clips were already in place and importantly in these days of massive delays in acquiring any materials, the pipes have been on site for several weeks.  But impressive all the same.

Just like the insulation below it, all this pipework will be covered up again, by the limecrete screed, due to be laid in the second week of November.  Once that has dried we will be able to have another open day for visitors, and, ironically, the building will look rather more like it did last March with a clear floor area but this time no tiles, no parquet and no grilles: something we are all looking forward to.


Thank you to all of you who are continuing to give to the appeal.  We will update you on progress. .  Please continue to pray about what you might give yourself and that all may give generously. The web site has all the details.  Think how you can be creative and get sponsored or donate to buy a chair in memory of someone or donate to our organ or main appeals.

Although the building itself is closed, worship continues in The Cornerstone on Sundays (8am, 9.30 and 11.15) and on weekdays (Tuesday and Wednesday at 10 am and Thursday at 9 am) and the bell ringers have access to the tower.  There is still access to almost all the churchyard either through the lychgate in London Road or the double gate in Norreys Avenue. The memorials by The Cornerstone and by the vestry door can be accessed by arrangement with the Parish office.

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