What’s been going on in the Church this week?

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Progress report – open day on Saturday 4th March

Come and see for yourself – how far the rebuilding of the pulpit has progressed, how much floor is still to be laid, the font, which is  part way through conservation (photo above),  and where the servery will be.  You can see the rooms for the toilets and storage cupboards and the mezzanine.  The decorators have been up there since this picture was taken: it just needs its new glass balustrade and the positioning of the servery (just waiting for the units now).

The format will be similar to previously – the building will be open from 10 till 12 noon.  There will be slideshows and tea and coffee in The Cornerstone and plenty of people around to talk about the building and its future use. Relevant PPE will be provided; please wear sensible shoes – and not your best clothes  – its very dusty.

But for those of you who cannot make the day here are some pictures!  The stone in the picture below is for the arch for the new doorway.  It is limestone – Bath stone – which will weather to a good match.

More funds are still needed and, even if you have given already, please consider whether you might give a little more.  Some people have and it is very welcome.  Thank you.  You will find all the details on the website.  We are only £50,000 away from our £120,000 target and need more donations towards the organ and chairs.

Although the building itself is closed, worship continues in The Cornerstone on Sundays (8, 9.30 and 11.15am) and on weekdays (Tuesday and Wednesday at 10 am and Thursday at 9 am) and the bell ringers have access to the tower.  There is still access to almost all the churchyard either through the lychgate in London Road or the double gate in Norreys Avenue. The memorials by The Cornerstone and by the vestry door can be accessed by arrangement with the Parish office.

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