The Cornerstone and All Saints Church
Important information
Please read the attached terms and conditions of hire carefully. The terms and conditions take precedence over any other information provided in this document. The following helpful tips are intended as a guide:
- A refundable deposit is required for all bookings. It will be returned to you after hire provided that any keys are returned and the church is left clean, tidy and undamaged.
- You will also need to allow part of the time you have booked for setup and cleaning. This includes sweeping the floor, removing any rubbish and rearranging the furniture. All glass bottles should be removed from the premises.
- There is no storage space available, so you will need to deliver and remove all necessary items during the hire period.
- Parking is not guaranteed, but there is a local council car park just five minutes walk away.
- Any changes to bookings need to be made in writing (including e-mail) at least 28 days in advance, or you may forfeit the fees and/or deposit for your booking.
- When hiring the church please note that this is a working parish with regular times of prayer and divine service, and the church is open for private prayer Monday to Friday. Therefore, there may be times during your hire period at which setup work may continue but a respectful silence needs to be maintained. This will be discussed with you by your host after the booking is arranged.
Hire Conditions
“The Management” is The PCC of All Saints Church who are the trustees for the building. “The Hirer” is the person who signs the booking form. “The Church”, or “the premises” is the whole or any part of All Saints Church building and its surrounding site.
All Cornerstone bookings are supported by the Cornerstone Manager; bookings in the church are allocated to the Event Co-ordinator.
In the conditions they are described as Manager/Organiser
1. Introduction
The hire of any part of the building is subject to these standard conditions. The Management reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at its discretion.
2. Supervision
The Hirer shall during the period of hiring be responsible for:
(a) the supervision and security of the room(s) hired, and
(b) the supervision and security of the common areas, their fabric and contents and their care, safety from damage however slight or change of any sort caused by the Hirer or other persons using the premises in connection with this Hire, and
(c) the behaviour of all persons using these premises in connection with this hire.
The hirer is advised to have access to a mobile phone. There is no phone available at the premises.
The Hirer shall ensure that their employees, volunteers, clients, visitors and agents only enter the common areas and the premises hired as described on the properly signed booking form.
The Hirer shall report any breakages or damage as soon as possible to the Manager/Organiser and pay for all damage (including accidental damage) to the premises or to the fixtures, fittings or contents and for loss of contents caused by the Hirer or other persons using the premises in connection with the hire.
The Hirer or their authorised representative must be present during the period of the Hire and must be over 18 years of age. A “responsible person” should be appointed – as described in the risk assessment.
3. End of hire
The Hirer shall be responsible for leaving the premises and surrounding area in a safe, clean and tidy condition, properly locked and secured unless directed otherwise and any contents temporarily removed from their usual positions properly replaced, otherwise the Management shall be at liberty to make an additional charge.
Hirers should not leave the building until a keyholder is on the premises.
Should access be gained by vandals or thieves after a hire period as the result of the Hirer’s negligence the Hirer will be liable for all damages and loss.
4. Use of premises
The hiring agreement constitutes permission only to use the premises and confers no tenancy or other right of occupation on the Hirer.
The purpose of hire must be clearly stated on the booking form and the Hirer must not use the premises for any other purpose or allow more people to use the premises than stated at the time of booking.
The Hirer may not sub-hire the premises nor allow the premises to be used for any unlawful purpose or in any unlawful way nor do anything or bring on to the premises anything which may endanger the same or render invalid any insurance policies in respect thereof.
The Hirer may only use the premises for the times stated on the booking form. This period includes time needed for setting up and clearing up.
The Church may be booked until 11pm from Monday to Friday. On Saturday The Church may be booked until 10pm and the building will be locked by 10.30 pm. The hirer’s guests and members of the public are required to vacate the premises by 10:00pm unless otherwise agreed in writing.
The Cornerstone may be booked until 11 pm on a Saturday and 10 pm all other days.
A surcharge will be taken from the deposit if clearing up goes beyond the time booked.
Ball games are not permitted on the premises.
Promotion. The sale of tickets, advertising, and promotion of any events relating to this agreement are the responsibility of the hirer unless otherwise agreed in writing.
5. Cancellation
Cancellation by the Hirer
If the Hirer wishes to cancel the booking before the date of the event and the Manager/Organiser is unable to secure a replacement booking, the Hirer is liable for any payments already made and payments outstanding at the date of cancellation.
In the case of a block booking, if cancellation or modification of the booking is not confirmed with Manager/Organiser at least 28 days prior to the first of the dates booked, the Hirer will be liable for the payment of the complete booking. If a replacement booking can be secured by the Manager/Organiser an appropriate refund will be made.
Cancellation by the Management
The Management reserves the right to cancel any booking by written notice to the Hirer in the event of the premises becoming unfit for use by the Hirer, the Management considering that such hiring would lead to a breach of any conditions, legal or statutory requirements, or any other reason.
In any such case the Hirer shall be entitled to a refund of any money already paid, but the Management shall not be liable to the Hirer for any resulting direct or indirect loss or damages whatsoever.
6. Deposit for security against damage
A deposit for security against damage is required for all individual bookings. The deposit will be refunded in full by BACS, after the last scheduled hire period provided that no additional charges were incurred during hire of the premises. Deposits may be held by The Management until any assessments of damage are made. If the damage exceeds the amount of the deposit, the hirer will be invoiced and this will be a debt due and owing to All Saints Church.
7. Refusing a booking
The Management reserves the right to refuse an application for hire without giving any reason and also to offer concessions for hire in particular circumstances. The premises are not available for 18th or 21st birthday parties.
8. Right of entry
The Management shall at all times have free entry to all parts of the premises. The Management reserves the right to refuse any person admission or to evict any person from the premises.
9. Nuisance
The Hirer shall ensure that no amplified sound, speech or music shall be audible outside the premises, and that the minimum of noise is made on arrival and departure, particularly late at night.
10. Equipment and storage
The Management accepts no responsibility for any property brought on to the premises and all liability for loss or damage is hereby excluded. All equipment and other property must be removed at the end of each hiring, unless special arrangements have been made in writing or fees will be charged until the same is removed.
The Management may, in any of the following circumstances, dispose of any such items by sale or otherwise on such terms and conditions as it thinks fit, and charge the Hirer any costs incurred in storing or selling or otherwise disposing of the same:
- a) in respect of stored equipment, failure by the Hirer either to pay any storage charges due and payable or to remove the same within 7 days after the agreed storage period has ended; or
- b) in respect of any other property brought on to the premises, failure by the Hirer to remove the same within 7 days after the Hiring.
11. Licences
The hirer is responsible for obtaining any and all necessary licenses in connection with activities taking place during the hire period, including, but not limited to, the consumption of alcohol, and the performance or recording of music. The hirer must produce evidence of such licenses prior to the hire to the Manager/Organiser
12. Sale of goods
The hirer shall if selling goods on the premises, comply with The Fair Trading Laws and any codes of practice used in connection with sales.
13. Gaming, Betting and Lotteries
The Hirer shall ensure that nothing is done on or in relation to the premises in contravention of the law relating to gaming, betting and lotteries
14. Alcohol
The Hirer shall only provide or sell on the premises with the specific authorization of the Management.
If alcohol is for sale, the hirer will need to apply for a Temporary Event Notice (TEN) from Wokingham Borough Council at least two weeks before the event.
The Hirer shall provide Manager/Organiser with a copy of the authorized TEN that can be exhibited in the entrance to the building during the event.
No underage drinking is permitted.
15. Smoking
No smoking is allowed on any part of The Church or Cornerstone premises or site.
16. Fixings, fittings and alterations
The church is a Grade II* listed building, and no fixtures may be installed or placards, decorations or other articles be attached in any way to any part of the premises. There are however screens that can be used for this purpose and the hirer should discuss any requests with their Events organiser.
Decorations such as balloons or bunting are not to be hung from lights or the ceiling, and the driving of nails, tacks or screws into any part of the building and the use of adhesive tape or Blu-tac are prohibited.
Decorations such as balloons or bunting may be hung carefully. Any decoration that remains on the premises at the end of the hiring will become the property of The Cornerstone and the Hirer must make good to the satisfaction of the Management any damage caused to the premises by such addition, alteration or removal.
Health and safety
The Hirer must conduct their own health and safety assessment in accordance with the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 and show this to the Manager/Organiser
Nothing shall be done that will endanger the safety of people in the building or render invalid the policies of insurance relating to The Church or contents and in particular
(a) obstructions must not be put in gangways or exits
(b) fire extinguishers must be kept in their proper place and used only for their proper purpose. The cost of lost, damaged or empty fire equipment will be charged to the Hirer.
The Hirer shall ensure that any electrical appliances brought by them to the premises and used there are safe and in good working order, and used in a safe manner.
The Hirer shall comply with all conditions and regulations made in respect of the premises by the Fire Authority, Local Authority, the Local Magistrate’s Court or otherwise, particularly in connection with any event which includes public dancing, or music or other similar public entertainment or stage plays.
The Hirer must report all accidents involving injury to the public to the Manager/Organiser as soon as possible and complete the relevant section in accident book. Any failure of equipment either belonging to The Church or Cornerstone or brought in to The Church or Cornerstone by the Hirer must be reported to Manager/Organiser as soon as possible.
17. Health, Hygiene and Food
The Hirer shall, if preparing, serving or selling food, observe all relevant food health and hygiene legislation and regulations.
The Hirer may not leave any items of food in the servery, or in the fridge or cupboards after the end of the hire period. Any such items will be disposed of by the Manager/Organiser.
18. Removal of rubbish
The Hirer may leave items for recycling in the containers provided on the premises (i.e. food &drink cans, paper, card and plastic bottles), but must remove all food and other waste rubbish, including glass bottles, at the end of the hire.
19. Safeguarding
If an organisation hires The Church or any room in the Cornerstone on two or more occasions in any one year and the activities involve children, young people or vulnerable adults, the Hirer will be required to operate and provide evidence of a recognised Safeguarding Policy.
The All Saints’ PCC policy on safeguarding applies to all Church organised activities and is available for consultation by any hirer.
20. Animals
The Hirer shall ensure that no animals (including birds) except registered assistance animals are brought into the premises other than for a special event when this must be agreed in writing by the Management. No animals are to enter the servery area, kitchen or kitchenette at any time.
21. Car parking
All cars are parked at owners’ risk.
Car parking is available in the WBC car park on the east side of Easthampstead Road.
It may be possible to park on Norreys Avenue (same side as The Cornerstone only) subject to parking restrictions. Cars must not be parked so as to cause an obstruction. Cars may also be parked in the shared car park on the far side of Norreys Avenue. Particular care must be taken not to cause an obstruction to the entrance to Pigott Court.
Two disabled parking spaces are available on site for disabled badge holders who are using either the church or The Cornerstone.
Other vehicles may only be brought on to The Cornerstone site to set down or pick up users or goods.
22. Insurance
The Hirer shall indemnify and keep indemnified each member of All Saints’ PCC and its The Cornerstone’s employees and agents and invitees against
(a) the cost of repair of any damage done to any part of the premises or the contents of the premises and
(b) all claims in respect of damage or loss of property or injury to persons arising as a result of the use of the premises (including the storage of equipment) by the Hirer apart from claims arising through the negligence of All Saints’ PCC and its and The Church’s employees and agents.
Organisations that are hiring should have their own Public Liability Insurance and may be asked to show their policy.
(The Church is insured against claims arising out of its own negligence)
23. Loss
All Saints’ PCC shall not be liable to the Hirer for any consequential loss except where such loss arises directly from the negligent acts or omissions of All Saints PCC or its agents.
Organisations or individuals booking the church must provide an assessment for the activity. A pro forma for this can be provided by the event.