Taking time to pause

During the season of Advent we spend time reflecting on preparing a way for Jesus. Each Sunday we focus on those who prepared for Jesus’ first coming: the prophets, John the Baptist and Mary. But so too we look to our own lives and how we prepare to receive Jesus in our lives today.

Do we take time for a bit of silence to seek and listen for God’s voice in our noisy and busy lives?

Do we have our eyes open to notice God’s presence and work in the world?

Do we seek to know God better in order that we might recognise God at work in our lives and in the lives of others?

This busy Advent season, let us not forget to pause, to look and to seek God in order that we might receive him as we celebrate his first coming, and his presence with us today.


Hannah Higginson

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The Cornerstone offers a large hall, fully equipped kitchen and various sized meeting rooms, as well as rooms furnished for counselling – all within the beautiful setting of the churchyard.

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