Season of Creation begins


1st September is the World Day of Prayer for the Earth and so begins our season of Creationtide. Creationtide is an international Christian movement uniting 2.6 billion Christians across the world – it is a celebration of the Creator and the creation, it is a call to prayer and action and offers us the opportunity to reflect on our mission to care for the world.

This year the theme for Creationtide is ‘Let Peace and Justice flow’ which is inspired by the words of the prophet Amos, ‘Let justice flow on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream’ (Amos 5:24) and so takes up the call of the prophets to work for change – for peace and for justice – for all of creation. Like a great river the people of God are called to come together into a torrential force bringing hope and change at a time when we can all end up feeling a bit hope-less. At All Saints we intend to use this time to remind ourselves of the importance of our call to care for the world, to learn more about the changes we can all make and to take action. Over the next month there are many opportunities to get involved – attending lectures, our Earth Fayre, a litter thon, Wild Worship and our Harvest lunch on 1st October. Click here for more information.

This Sunday we are pleased to welcome as our guest preacher Fr Richard Lamey from neighbouring St Pauls parish, who is also our area dean. The area dean plays a big role in supporting parishes in vacancy so Sunday is also a good opportunity to ask any questions you may have as we enter a period of vacancy – do come with your questions and there will be opportunity to ask them over coffee after the 9:30am service.

Revd Hannah Higginson

A prayer for today –

Heavenly Father,
You have taught us, through your servant St Francis,
That all creation is your handiwork.
Grant us your grace that we may
Exercise wise stewardship of this Earth;
Tread lightly upon it;
And cherish its resources;
That our children may enjoy its riches, throughout all generations,
And your name be glorified through all that you have made.

Rt Revd David Walker, Bishop of Manchester

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