Rector’s message 26th May 2023

Thanksgiv Invite Front Final

Will you be coming to the celebration of the re-opening of the church?

The final elements of the redesign of the inside of the church are coming together very quickly now as the completion date draws closer. There are some wonderful surprises in store even for those who have attended previous open days!

The celebration of the re-opening will be on Monday 19th June at 7.30pm (attendees are asked to be seated at 7.20pm) led by the Bishop of Oxford, The Rt Reverend Steven Croft, our diocesan bishop. There wil be a service of Thanksgving with Re-dedication of the church and drinks afterwards.

Everyone is welcome – see the details on the invitation. It is not a ticket only event but we do need to know for seating and catering reasons if you will be coming. Please complete the form here to let us know. If you have received an invitation already and are yet to confirm your attendance you may do so using the online form.










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