All Saints Wokingham is a parish which has a very open and welcoming approach to families who want their children baptised (christened) and we encourage anyone thinking of this. We provide an informative information session and you will always meet the priest taking the service before the big day. We are continuing with this approach and encourage anyone seeking a christening to make contact with us. We are able to hold christening services at St Paul’s Church in Wokingham whilst our own church building nis being refurbished.
We are aware that some families may like to celebrate the arrival of their new baby in church and receive God’s blessing, but yet are unsure that they are able to make the kind of firm promises about faith contained in the christening service. So in recognition of this we are introducing the option of a Service of Thanksgiving for a child. This service could be used to welcome a new baby or perhaps a child adopted into your family. It is a simple service that includes prayers of blessing and thanksgiving for the new arrival. (It may be a stepping stone to a future christening). These services will be available when we re-open our own church building in the Spring. Please contact us through our website or phone the Parish Office 0118 979 2797 if you would like to register your interest for either a Thanksgiving Service or a Christening for your new baby.