Quiet flows the Thames

2022 09 03 14.54.18

A Parish Quiet Day was held beside the River Thames at the Parish of Bray’s church centre. Access to the churchyard , church and, by kind permission of the Vicar, the riverside garden of the Vicarage, meant there was plenty of space to wander, pray and reflect. Meditative talks and a closing Eucharist were given by the Sub-Dean of Christ Cathedral Oxford,, Canon Richard Peers. His theme was the restorative and renewing  power of  meditative  or prayerful silence with reference to large-scale copies of icons both classical and contemporary.

A surprise element of the day was the offer of river trips in the Vicar of Bray’s boat which a number of participants enjoyed. The final Eucharist was appropriately themed around Psalm 23 with its reference to still waters; stillness is a feature of the water of the Thames at Bray.

The day began with participants invited to write down their reasons for coning which were then displayed  – see photo below .


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