Many of us have been deeply disturbed by what is going on in the Middle East at this time, and as the horrors continue to unfold, can I please encourage everyone to pray for peace in the holy land. On Tuesday, the Church of England joined with other churches across the world in a global day of prayer and fasting for justice, peace, reconciliation and an end to hatred and war. All Saints was open all day for prayer and we held an impromptu prayer service on the Tuesday evening. That very evening we heard of the horrendous bombing of the al-Ahli Arab hospital in Gaza city. Many will not realise but this particular hospital is an Anglican funded hospital, founded in 1882 and run by Christians and Muslims. It it has no political affiliation and is located within a beautiful campus in Gaza city, which includes the Anglican church. Many retreat to this campus which is regarded as a place of sanctuary and relative safety. The Bishop of Norwich happened to be on a visit to Gaza city just a few weeks ago and visited this very hospital, I encourage you to listen to this interview with him on Radio 5, conducted on the evening that we heard of the bombing of the hospital.
We will continue as a church to pray for peace and justice and reconciliation in the holy land, to pray for world leaders as they enter talks working towards these things, to pray for compassion and mercy for all who are suffering and to pray for all those who have lost their lives, their homes, their loved ones. May I also encourage you to give as you are able to the appeal launched by Christian Aid.
Hannah Higginson