
All Saints Church Organ Appeal: target £48,000

Help rebuild our church organ

When the church re-opens after the adaptations for the spaceforall project we aim to re-install an electronic organ and look forward to the return of choral services in the church.

Photo: Henna Mason

The cost-effective solution we have chosen is to re-use our existing organ console and cabinet with new electronics and effective modern speakers mounted overhead. This is known as an organ rebuild. The work will be carried out by Viscount Organs of Bicester and our aim is to have the organ installed immediately after the church is handed back to us by the building contractors.

With a re-installed organ as well as re-starting regular choral worship, we will be able to offer the full range of music needed at weddings and funerals , civic services such as Remembrance Services, special choral services at festivals like Harvest, Christmas and Easter , and host concerts requiring organ accompaniment.

We need to raise £48,000 for this project. Donations to the fund will be designated for the organ and choral music at All Saints Church.

How to give

Photo: Henna Mason

Donate directly to the special organ and music appeal account:
sort code 40 -47- 09, account number 01807773, account name All Saints PCC, with your initial and surname as reference,

or by cheque payable to All Saints PCC,

or by debit or credit card (after main church services).

In all cases your donation can be gift aided . If we do not hold an up -to-date gift aid declaration for you, please download it here.

Thank You!


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