
Have breakfast at church on Easter Day

  All Saints Easter Day breakfast organiser and Social Committee chair, Jacqui Headland, writes about breakfast on Easter Day: “This…


Two concerts at the start of April

Rector of All Saints, Canon David Hodgson writes: “April at All Saints Church will begin with two concerts in church…


Bishop’s chaplain preaches at All Saints about re-furbishing the church

The Chaplain to the Bishop of Oxford, The Rev’d Paul Cowan, who was a curate at All Saints in the…


Congratulations to children admitted to Holy Communion

Congratulations to four children, Alexander, Amelia, Angus, and Charlie, who received holy communion for the first time yesterday on the…


Voluntary roles available. Could you be a magazine editor? Or a magazine business manager?

  All Saints Parish Church is looking for a VOLUNTEER PARISH MAGAZINE EDITOR Working within the Parish Office team you…


Thank you to Jack Hayley

Today Jack Hayley stepped down as a lay minister of the Eucharist after more than 25 years in this ministry….


Visit of Bishop of Oxford to Wokingham announced

The programme details have been announced  for the first visit of the new Bishop of Oxford to Wokingham on Thursday…


WordPress Resources at SiteGround

WordPress is an award-winning web software, used by millions of webmasters worldwide for building their website or blog. SiteGround is…


Church Notices

Service of Collation and Induction

The Service for Hannah’s Collation and Induction will take place on Wednesday 10th July at 7pm, at All Saints Church.

Please put the date in your diary, everyone is welcome.


Rector Update

Prior to taking up the role of Rector in July, Hannah will be taking a break between roles to prepare for her new position.  She will be unavailable between Monday 27th May until Wednesday 10th July.  During this time our staff and clergy team will be particularly stretched and would appreciate your patience and support.  If you require assistance from a  member of the clergy please contact the Parish Office.

We will be welcoming a number of guest preachers at Sunday services.

Hannah would really appreciate your ongoing prayers for her and her family during this time of change.


Easter Goodies for Sale

Sunday 17th March.

Caretaker Assistance

If anyone needs assistance from our caretaker, Derisley please be sure to liaise with Amanda, The Cornerstone manager.  Amanda works Mon-Thur and can be contacted on 01189 797778.

Are you looking for a venue for counselling, a birthday party, or regular meeting?

The Cornerstone offers a large hall, fully equipped kitchen and various sized meeting rooms, as well as rooms furnished for counselling – all within the beautiful setting of the churchyard.

Email –

Click here for more information