Special poems and songs celebrating the love of mums were shared by the children and young people of the church at yesterday’s Mothering Sunday service. The All Together Communion service brought together families who normally attend 9.30am Parish Communion service and those who attend 11am Family Service creating a congregation of over 140 people including more than 50 children.Before the service children assembled posies of daffodils, assisted by members of the Mothers’ Union and Flower Guild . Children then presented the posies to mothers and others as tokens of love and appreciation during the service.
A gospel reading from St John gave the message that Jesus cared for his own mother even at the worst moment of his own life. The Rector, Canon David Hodgson, passed round a woven basket for the congregation to touch and comment, reminding everyone of the story of Moses in the basket , how love and care triumphed over the fear and heartless policies of the ancient Egyptian rulers; and noted how the basket is held together not by glue but by the interweaving of all the unique and separate strands. This was a picture of a loving caring and supportive community.
Prayers were led jointly by a member of the Mothers’ Union and a member of the youth “Explore” group. These included prayers for women who want to be mothers but are prevented; for mothers who are separated from their children, for mothers who see their children suffer, for mothers who have been bereaved. Download a copy of the prayers here
A retiring collection was held for the work of the Anglican mission agency USPG working with communities in the poorest parts of the world.