Marking your life events with celebration and prayer

We are here to help you celebrate those special milestones in the life of you and your family and also to support you through the difficult times.

As well as weddings, christenings, funerals and burials,  ask us also about admission to communion , confirmation,  blessing of marriage, renewal of wedding vows, thanksgiving for a child after a birth or adoption, blessing of your new home, prayers or anointing with oil at a time of serious illness or personal struggle, or near the time of death of a loved one.

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Children 2

Early Years Survey

Collection Plate

Charity Giving Consultation

The church’s current charity giving policy is to donate 10% of its income to various charities (currently 15 charities, with…

2018 05 14 08.53.00

Flying the Flag

Check out this link for a list of when the flag will be flying this year and why – LINK …