This Lent we are running a Christian Aid course exploring poverty. To include bible study, discussion and prayer, as well as inspiring stories from those who work to combat poverty. We are offering the course on a Wednesday evening 7:30pm and a Thursday morning at 9:45am. No need to book but contact for more information, or phone our parish office.
The course is free to attend and runs for 6 weeks during Lent, starting on Wednesday 21st February and Thursday 22nd February.
Start Lent right this year with our special Ash Wednesday Eucharist on Wednesday 14th February at 7:45pm, with our alumni choir singing to aid us in our worship.
Easter Services
24th March Palm Sunday
8am Holy Communion & 9:30 Parish Communion followed by donkey procession through town with Churches Together in Wokingham. Finishing back at All Saints about 12noon for lunch and children’s craft activities
28th March Maundy Thursday
7:45pm Eucharist in church with feet washing
29th March Good Friday
9am Prayers for the third hour
9:15am Solemn Liturgy with the choir, followed by refreshments in the Cornerstone
10:30am Family Service starting with refreshments in The Cornerstone, followed by a short service in church and then craft (finishing by 11:40am)
12noon CTW Good Friday performance in Peach Place, followed by procession of the cross to All Saints Church
Easter Day (please note that the clocks go forward one hour)
6:30am Dawn Eucharist Service followed by breakfast
8am Easter Holy Communion followed by breakfast
9:30am All Age Parish Communion (come from 8:45am to join for breakfast)