Lent and Easter 2024


This Lent we are running a Christian Aid course exploring poverty. To include bible study, discussion and prayer, as well as inspiring stories from those who work to combat poverty. We are offering the course on a Wednesday evening 7:30pm and a Thursday morning at 9:45am. No need to book but contact hannah@allsaintswokingham.org.uk for more information, or phone our parish office.

The course is free to attend and runs for 6 weeks during Lent, starting on Wednesday 21st February and Thursday 22nd February.




Start Lent right this year with our special Ash Wednesday Eucharist on Wednesday 14th February at 7:45pm, with our alumni choir singing to aid us in our worship.




Easter Services


24th March Palm Sunday

8am Holy Communion & 9:30 Parish Communion followed by donkey procession through town with Churches Together in Wokingham. Finishing back at All Saints about 12noon for lunch and children’s craft activities


Easter arrangement

28th March Maundy Thursday

7:45pm Eucharist in church with feet washing


29th March Good Friday

9am Prayers for the third hour

9:15am Solemn Liturgy with the choir, followed by refreshments in the Cornerstone

Photos from our Easter family services and activities (all photos shared with permission)

10:30am Family Service starting with refreshments in The Cornerstone, followed by a short service in church and then craft (finishing by 11:40am)

12noon CTW Good Friday performance in Peach Place, followed by procession of the cross to All Saints Church


Easter Day (please note that the clocks go forward one hour)

6:30am Dawn Eucharist Service followed by breakfast

8am Easter Holy Communion followed by breakfast

9:30am All Age Parish Communion (come from 8:45am to join for breakfast)


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