Inclusive Church

We are a member of the Inclusive Church network so we celebrate and affirm every person and do not discriminate.


At All Saints we aim to be a welcoming and inclusive church community. We want to provide a safe space for people who have been excluded by churches in the past. This includes people of all ages, black people and ethnic minority backgrounds, LGBTQIA+ people and disabled people, including those who are physically impaired or neurodivergent and people with learning disabilities.

We believe the good news of Jesus is about being welcomed for who you are – a radical invitation to share in God’s love, generousity and compassion, regardless of background, colour, sexual orientation or ability. We are a member of Inclusive Church – a church which celebrates and affirms every person and does not discriminate. We will continue to challenge the church where it continues to discriminate against people on grounds of disability, economic power, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, learning disability, mental health, neurodiversity, or sexuality.


We’re significantly altering the physical structure of our building to make it much more accessible for wheelchair access, including a new step-free door on the North side of the church, and a pew-free main hall for easier movement. We’ve put in new toilets, including one with disabled access. Seating is by individual chairs which can be moved easily to accommodate a wheelchair user to sit anywhere in the church. There is an induction loop fitted in the main space, so people who are hearing-impaired should turn their hearing aid to the T-position. Large print service sheets are available at the start of the service, please ask at the welcome desk for one.

We know we can always do better, so please do tell us if there is anything we can do to make it easier for you to access our building and worship at All Saints.

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