Lent 2023

Lent 2023 study course – open for all

This course explores Jesus’ teaching on living out our faith in the world. Come along for discussion, exploration and contemplation.

  • What does it mean to live out Jesus’ teaching in the world today?
  • What does it mean to follow Jesus’ example of godly living?
  • How can God help us live the lives we are called to?
Day/Time Format Dates
Monday morning


Aimed at mums/carers with children, an informal group with toys out for pre-schoolers. Meet in the hall in the Cornerstone 20th Feb; 27th Feb; 6th March; 13th March; 20th March, 27th March
Monday evening


Meeting in the de vitre room for discussion, study and prayer 20th Feb; 27th Feb; 6th March; 13th March; 20th March, 27th March
Thursday morning

9:45am  -11am

Meeting after Morning Prayer in the south hall for discussion, study and prayer 23rd Feb; 2nd March; 9th March; 16th March; 23rd March; 30th March

All sessions take place in The Cornerstone on Norreys Avenue. On street parking available. No need to register in advance.


New to church or exploring faith?

This course is a great way of meeting others and exploring a bit more about the Bible and Jesus’ teaching. For more information contact our parish office on parishoffice@allsaintswokingham.org.uk


Making a climate pledge for Lent

This Lent make a commitment to change your habits or take on a new action to help reduce your impact on the climate Click here for more info

Our special retiring collection during Lent

Support climate change adaptation in Northern Uganda this year – donate to our special retiring collections to local Ugandan charity CIFORD: Community-led Initiative for Rural Development. Read more here

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