Lent Course – 5th session

Our Lent course for 2021

This year we will be holding our Lent course on Zoom. We will follow the Church of England’s national course: #LiveLent: God’s Story Our Story. All the material will be available from us online and you will be able to join the course on that basis.

If you would like more background for yourself, purchase the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Lent book for 2021: Living His Story: revealing the extraordinary love of God in ordinary ways by Hannah Steele.

This year we are able to offer evening sessions only on Wednesdays at 7.30pm as follows:

24th Feb; 3rd Mar;10th Mar; 17th Mar; 24th Mar; 31st Mar; and a final session after Easter on 14th April.

For the Zoom log in details, please visit the course page here.

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Are you looking for a venue for counselling, a birthday party, or regular meeting?

The Cornerstone offers a large hall, fully equipped kitchen and various sized meeting rooms, as well as rooms furnished for counselling – all within the beautiful setting of the churchyard.

Email – info@thecornerstonewokingham.org.uk

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