Children design church Christmas card

Children's designs for the front of the Christmas card

Children of All Saints Church submitted their designs for the  2019 church Christmas card. The designs are now on display in The Cornerstone West Hall. The design by Imogen, aged 8, was chosen to appear on the front cover of the card. Members of all congregation at the church are invited to make a contribution and to give a Christmas message to their friends on the card which will be distributed to all in church before Christmas. Donations and messages can be passed to the Parish Office. The money is being raised for the Pilgrim Hearts charity which supports the Winter Homeless Night Shelters to be run in Bracknell and Wokingham this winter by the churches.

Children's designs for the front of the Christmas card
The designs which were done by the children of All Saints Church for this year’s church Christmas card. The design by Imogen which was chosen to appear on the card is at the top left corner.

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