Giving to general church work

Thank you for your interest in giving to the general work of All Saints Church

All Saints Church invites you to support our work with your gifts of money, time and talents. Join the community of people who are doing what they can and giving what they can to support our part in God’s work today. For more information about giving at All Saints please visit our Giving Page here. 

It’s easy to make an online one-off or a regular gift – click on the logo below



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Our preferred way to collect regular gifts is through direct debit using the Parish Giving Scheme. For us this is virtually administration-free and for you it provides an easy way to update your giving or to link it to inflation if you choose to do so. If you are a UK tax-payer we can receive Gift Aid on your gift.        (More information about this scheme here)

As yet this cannot be processed online so please complete the request form below and we will send you the necessary paper form in the post.

Please send me a direct debit application form

Direct debit application request

An alternative way to give regularly direct from your bank account is by Standing Order. This is easy for you especially if you use online banking, but involves more administration for us.

 How to give by Standing Order


Below you will find more information and forms to pledge a regular gift.

There is lots of useful information below, including a short summary of All Saints Church’s finances (item c)  and a handy guide on how to save money if you are a higher-rate tax-payer (item b).


a) Gift Aid Declaration Form

b) Gift Aid information for higher-rate tax-payers

c) Information about the finances of All Saints Church

d) Form to set up a Standing Order with your bank to pledge a regular gift to All Saints Church


Envelopes to use in church services for gifts of cash or cheque

White envelopes are for those who wish to donate their regular pledged amount by placing it in the collection plate during a service. The envelopes do not display any personal details or require any details to be filled in week-on-week but are given a number for gift aid purposes where appropriate.  White envelopes are available on request.

Blue envelopes can be used by anyone to make an ad hoc donation to allow us to claim gift aid.  They require the date and the giver’s name and address to be filled in for gift aid purposes.  These are found in the pew holders.


Theme focus on Giving

Christ is God’s gift to us, and all that we have in our lives comes from God as a free gift. The Christian life, therefore, is a life of giving, as God gives. Stewardship helps us explore this and challenges us to look again at what and how we give to Christ of ourselves and of the resources at our disposal.

Here are some sermons on giving and Christian use of money.

Christian giving – a short summary

God and Mammon

Larger heart

Epiphany sermon on Giving

Christian lifestyle

Being Transformed

Please contact us using this form if you have any questions or would like to find out more about giving time and talents as well as money to help the work of All Saints Church.

Contact form

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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