Rector’s message 26th August 2022

Christenings Josh Applegate Mjn1lcou1cw Unsplash

Whilst All Saints church is closed christenings, weddings and church funeral services are taking place in Saint Paul’s Church on Reading Road. We are very grateful to the Rector and churchwardens of St Paul’s for letting us use the church and for their help. This coming Sunday we are christening three children – a baby, … Read more

What’s been happening in the Church this week?

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Progress report  – 26th August  2022 As was agreed by all parties at the monthly meeting on Wednesday there has not been very much progress in the last week or two, as we wait for the steel frame for the mezzanine in the vestry.  The protection for the vaults has now been designed, the steel … Read more

Chrispen Gumbs ordained in Anguilla

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Chrispen Gumbs, who served as a lay minister at All Saints whilst training for ordination in Oxford, has been ordained as a deacon by the Bishop of the Diocese of the North Eastern Caribbean and Aruba at an inspiring service which took place in the Pro-Cathedral Church of St Mary on his home island of … Read more

What’s been happening in the church this week?

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Progress report  – 19th August  2022 Progress has been slow over the last couple of weeks while we wait for all the design and procurement changes needed after finding the vault in the vestry to be worked through. However there has been some and the main nave floor is now ready for the underfloor heating … Read more

Rector’s message 19th August

Rector At Hh (photo Emma Ramsgill)

We look forward this weekend to an event taking place on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. This is the ordination of our dear friend Chrispen Gumbs who served two years on placement with us at All Saints whilst he was training for his ordination. It will take place on his home island of … Read more

What’s been happening at the Church this week?


Progress report  – 12th August  2022 We are relieved to have done one of the last bits of digging in the church without finding any more problems. This was the trench for the water pipe that runs diagonally from the vestry door where the supply comes in to building to the opposite corner where it … Read more

A visit to a Wokingham war grave


  We were fortunate enough to be able to spend a holiday in France this summer and looking around the hotel, we found a picture of the Lancers’ charge at Montcel, donated by the regiment. Remembering the memorial to Lt Allfrey on the wall of the church, we checked the map and duly made an … Read more

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